Werkvorm: toekomstscenario’s creëren en onderzoeken met ChatGPT

This is an educational program for high school students aimed at understanding scenario-building and future planning principles. It involves developing creative and critical thinking skills and exploring the impact of technology on the future. Activities include using ChatGPT for idea generation, deepening scenarios, visualizing scenarios, and group presentations. This 90-120 minute program requires access to computers/tablets with internet connection and ChatGPT, scenario-building worksheets, and group work space.

Werkvorm: samenwerken met ChatGPT: interdisciplinaire uitdagingen aangaan

This is a lesson plan for higher education students from various disciplines. It’s designed to teach how AI can improve interdisciplinary collaboration. Using ChatGPT, students form diverse teams, select an interdisciplinary issue, and develop solution strategies. The session, varying from 120-180 minutes, includes brainstorming, presentations, peer reviews, and discussion, emphasizing the impact of technology like ChatGPT on interdisciplinary work.

Werkvorm: ChatGPT als stimulator van creatief en kritisch denkvermogen

This is a workshop for higher education students, aimed at developing their creative thinking skills through collaboration with AI, practicing critical thinking by analyzing information provided by AI, and understanding the potential and limitations of AI in academic applications. Activities will utilize ChatGPT for idea generation and critical evaluation, with provisions for group discussion, presentations, and reflection on the creative process and AI’s influence.

Werkvorm: ChatGPT als projectbegeleider

This program aims to educate MBO students across all disciplines, enhancing their abilities to collaborate with AI in realistic work and project simulations. By interacting with ChatGPT, they can foster problem-solving skills, digital communication, and ideation. Learning activities range from project planning to execution and reflection, with assessments focused on active participation and project delivery quality. The duration can vary from a few days to weeks.

Werkvorm: Wereldwijde dialoog simuleren met ChatGPT

The content outlines a 90 to 120-minute educational program for primary and secondary students, aimed at fostering understanding of global issues and their impact across nations and cultures. Using AI-based technology, students participate in role-play exercises, strategizing solutions to global problems, and enhancing digital communication skills. The program emphasizes empathy, collaborative problem-solving, and reflection.

Werkvorm: interactieve scenario-analyse met ChatGPT

This is a 90-minute multidisciplinary lesson plan for VMBO, MBO (level 3 and 4), and HBO students. It aims to boost digital skills, critical and innovative thinking, problem-solving, and communication through engagement with AI technology, specifically ChatGPT. Activities involve group discussions, scenario development, interactions with ChatGPT, presentations, and reflections. Assessment is based on group contribution, creativity, analysis depth, and presentation quality.

Werkvorm: ChatGPT als interactieve leerpartner

Doelgroep: MBO-studenten van alle opleidingsniveaus, VO, HBO Leerdoelen: Benodigdheden: Tijdsduur: 60 minuten (aanpasbaar aan de lesduur). Instructies: Voorbereiding (10 minuten) Activiteit Deel 1: Interactie met ChatGPT (20 minuten) Activiteit Deel 2: Kritische Analyse (20 minuten) Afsluiting (10 minuten) Evaluatie: Nabeschouwing: Sluit af met een discussie over hoe technologieën zoals ChatGPT Read more…

Werkvorm: het nieuws van de toekomst met ChatGPT

Doel: Bevorderen van kritisch denken, begrip van media en nieuws, creatieve expressie en toekomstdenken. Benodigdheden: Leeftijdsgroep: Geschikt voor bovenbouw (groep 7, 8), VO, VMBO, MBO studenten Tijdsduur: Ongeveer 60-75 minuten. Activiteit: Reflectie: Laat de leerlingen nadenken over de rol van fictie in het begrijpen van echte nieuwsgebeurtenissen en hoe toekomstgericht Read more…